Keeping the Security of a Free State

3 min readMay 9, 2023


Children from the Covenant School hold hands as they are taken to another area to be reunited with their parents.

co-written by Shadman Hossain and Thomas Carr

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” — Right to Bear Arms, one of the ten amendments that form the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791 by the U.S. Congress

Six people — including three children — were killed at Covenant School, a private elementary school on the grounds of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville’s Green Hills neighborhood. The attacker was killed by police within minutes of the first call of an active shooter.

Audrey Hale, whom police identified as the shooter, had bought seven firearms — including the three guns used in the attack — legally and had been in treatment for an emotional disorder.

Tennessee does not have an extreme-risk law, also known as a “red flag” law, which allows law enforcement and family members to petition for a court order to temporarily prevent someone in crisis from accessing guns.

However, it does have a law that prohibits gun possession by people who have been involuntarily committed or are found to be a danger to themselves or others, but the bar for that is incredibly high.

The ongoing debate surrounding gun control often revolves around striking a balance between upholding the privacy and autonomy of gun owners and ensuring public safety.

What if there was a solution that could offer both without compromising either?

Enter the world of Web3, where verifiable credentials and zero-knowledge technology can revolutionize the way we approach weapon sales, tracing, training, and permits.

There’s a big use case for verifiable credentials plus zero knowledge to address gun/weapon-related issues like tracing, sales, training, and permits. It enables verification at the point of purchase, is usable by anyone with a mobile device, and automates all of the forms that sellers have to fill out and send to the proper feds/state agencies. It also allows for instant checks and verification of potential owners without data privacy spillage.

The key is to make this not about gun control. However, instead, it’s about “weapons sales modernization” and “privacy-preserving identification”.

The Power of Verifiable Credentials and Zero-Knowledge Technology

The intersection of verifiable credentials and zero-knowledge technology offers a unique opportunity to address gun control challenges in a new light. Instead of focusing on gun control, the emphasis shifts to “weapons sales modernization” and “privacy-preserving identification.”

Verifiable credentials allow for the secure verification of potential gun owners at the point of purchase. This innovative approach is accessible to anyone with a mobile device and automates the forms sellers must fill out and submit to the proper federal and state agencies. The result is a streamlined, efficient process that respects individual privacy while ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

Additionally, zero-knowledge technology can guarantee the confidentiality of gun owners’ information. This means that sensitive data remains undisclosed, even during the verification process, protecting gun owners’ privacy while still ensuring that weapons do not end up in the wrong hands.

If any details kick off a trigger warning, the establishment that sells the weapons gets identified along with local law enforcement.

Loyalty Programs and Customer Engagement

By leveraging verified credentials, gun sellers can create loyalty programs without compromising the privacy of their customers. These programs can reward responsible gun owners, encourage training and education, and foster a sense of community and trust among the customers and the seller.

Such loyalty programs can offer incentives, discounts, or exclusive access to events and training sessions. The use of verifiable credentials enables sellers to track customer engagement and reward loyalty without divulging personal information, further enhancing privacy and building long-term customer relationships.

The Future of Gun Control Modernization

As we move towards a more digital and interconnected world, the need for innovative and privacy-preserving solutions becomes increasingly important. By embracing Web3, verifiable credentials, and zero-knowledge technology, we can create a new paradigm for weapons sales modernization that respects individual autonomy and prioritizes public safety.

Because proof of keeping the security of a Free State means first and foremost, protecting the lives of its children.




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